Save The World

Music & Lyrics by John Torp
Copyright © 2005 John Torp




Go save the world
they tell us again
and we soon must be on our way
go save the world
there's nothing to do
we signed up so we obey

Go save the world
they tell us again
and we soon must be on our way
go save the world
there's nothing to do
we signed up so we obey
but what is the use
I'm asking my self
for sure that will not end a war
we fight and we kill
and burne and destroy
we open to hell a door

Go save the world
it's not the first time
they use us again and again
I hope some day
that someone will change
that path and just use his brain
but that may just be
the wish of a fool
a dream that is certain to fail
but what can we do
we'll hang on to dreams
although it's the same old tale

So here we are
it's starting again
they say that it's all for the best
and all that we do
is helping the world
and that it's a noble gest
but I can not see
that going to war
will help us the whole human race
and I am afraid
that I from now on
have guilt printed on my face

Go save the world
they tell us again
and we soon must be on our way
go save the world
there's nothing to do
we signed up so we obey